Comprehensive Social Impact Assessment of MOX Use in Light Water Reactors; Final Report of the International MOX Assessment
Tokyo, Japan: CItizens' Nuclear Information Center, IMA Project, 1997. Presumed First Edition, First printing. Wraps. [2], xvi, 335, [1] pages. Tables. Figures. Acronyms, References. Ink notations and institutional stamp inside the front cover. Having been long involved in issues of Japanese and worldwide civil plutonium programs -- sharing worldwide concerns over safety, security, economics and social aspects of plutonium utilization--the Citizens' Nuclear Information Center felt it urgent to conduct an independent full scale impact assessment of MOX (mixed oxide of uranium and plutonium) use in light water reactors and applied for research grant of the Toyota Foundation in 1995. As the proposal was approved by Toyota, the International MOX Assessment (IMA) Project --was started in November 1995 as a two year project until the end of October 1997. The full title of the project is Comprehensive Social Impact Assessment of MOX (uranium-plutonium mixed oxide) Use in Light Water Reactors. More